Proposed Policies


Safer States provides the most current proposed and adopted legislation on toxins. On the map, click on Maine and open up the pages with proposed and adopted legislation.  You can track each bill through the entire legislative process.

L.D.1908: Prohibits the sale of personal care products containing a restricted substance, including heavy metals, parabens, ortho-phthalates, PFAS, formaldehyde, triclosan, and more.

L.D.1645: Prohibits the sale or distribution of certain plastic packaging, including packaging that is composed of polyvinyl chloride

L.D.1537: Extends the deadline for reporting the use of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in products for sale until October 1, 2023. Provides funding for positions and expenditures related to the implementation of the laws governing products containing PFAS.

L.D. 606: Requires the development and implementation of a program to incentivize and assist farmers whose land or crops are affected by perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances to remediate the land from contamination, including by growing alternative crops.

L.D. 73: Requires persons that extract water in this State to be sold as bottled water to conduct monitoring for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in the bottled water.

L.D. 75: Authorizes the adoption of state drinking water rules by the Commissioner of Health and Human Services to require that those rules establish a maximum contaminant level equivalent to zero nanograms per liter for certain perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

L.D. 132: Beginning January 1, 2024, requires carriers offering health plans to provide coverage for blood testing for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

L.D.1006: Expands well water testing in rural areas. Requires a program to provide free testing for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances in household well water of low-income residents through contracts with qualified laboratories.

L.D. 188: Require the department of environmental protection to pay for certain water tests for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

L.D.1488: Expands testing for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances to private drinking water wells.

L.D.1471: Amends the Maine Metallic Mineral Mining Act. Includes a provision prohibiting the Department of Environmental Protection from issuing a mining permit for a mining operation that will involve or result in the release of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances into the air, soil, groundwater or surface water within any mining area or affected area.

L.D.1171: Increases the fee imposed on the disposal of municipal solid waste to support the solid waste management hierarchy priorities of reduction of waste generated at the source, reuse of waste, recycling of waste and composting of biodegradable waste.

L.D. 1660: Provides that advanced recycling facilities are subject to solid waste regulation and that advanced recycling does not constitute recycling.

Adopted Regulations

A snapshot of PFAS regulations in Maine can be found here: 

The Maine PFAS Task Force just issued its final report.  A summary of the report and the Task Force work can be found here: 

LD 2048: Identifies chemicals of high concern, and requires reporting on usage and replacement with safer alternatives. (Adopted in 2008)

LD 1129: Selects up to seventy chemicals as Chemicals of High Concern based upon likely exposure to children or fetuses, and uses this list to designate Priority Chemicals which will require reporting and disclosure when used in children’s products. (Adopted in 2011)

LD 1433: Prohibits the sale of food packaging with intentionally added toxic
heavy metals, PFAS, or phthalates. (Adopted in 2019)


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